Sunday, March 7, 2010

Price of Sperpart in the Store

If you want to modify the flow of low-rider bike, do not think sokbreker dizzy because they feel inadequate if you keep relying on the standard suspension, let alone to have to modify the body. This is expressed by a modifikator, Kindness 'Big' Rahmanto.

Use variations sokbreker has become imperative. The problem now is a lot to offer, the front suspension of the quality of endurance is better than the standard suspension. Temmy, the seller confirms that the variation in shock at her bar is available for more than 7 marks, and some of them are models upside down.

So you do not be fooled by the price, below is a list of front suspension for skutik available in several variations stores.

Merek Harga (Rp) Merek Harga (Rp)
Dayton 1.400.000 Kitaco 700.000
Works 275.000 LHK 400.000
RCY 330.000 Baros 350.000
Moto X 175.000 Ride It 160.000
Yoshimura 135.000 Yoko 135.000
YSS RG-302280 6.600.000 YSS RG 302340 TRL 7.100.000
YSS RG-302360 7.379.500 YSS RZ-302280 TRL 4.217.000
YSS RJ 220 1.152.000 YSS RJ220 JE 1.126.500
Z-SKYWAVE 1.181.000 Z-NOUVO COLOUR 1.181.000
Z-MIO VARIO 705.000 00302 MIO/SPIN/VARIO 1.147.000
OG-302 300T MIO 1.325.500 OG-302 320T SPIN 1.100.000
JE-220 300 MIO/VARIO DIAMOND 687.000 JE 220 300 MIO/VARIO COLOUR 662.500
C302 300T MIO BLC/RED 1.100.000 C302 300 EURO MIO 1.078.00
YES 1 SERIES 715.000 TOP UP TYPE 506.000
E SERIES OE302 300T 565.000 I SERIES 300T MIO/VARIO 370.000
PRO ZOD222-300T 385.500 SRK 250.000
C302 300 EURO MIO 1.078.500 C302 300T ZEEDS MIO 1.325.500
GP MONO 302 200TRC 6.958.000 GP MONO MX302 6.958.000
GP MONO302-200TRL 3.162.500 E-RE302 280T 790.000
E-RE302 340T 790.000 - - - - - - - - - - -

Important of new modification

For the lovers of two wheels in particular modification, Kahanan Motor, which is
new modification shop located in Jagakarsa area, south Jakarta
seems worthy of a new heaven.

Because armed galvanized plate, the workshop is to be a satellite workshop of the famous house Tauco Custom modifications are ready to quench the thirst of the lovers modification Indonesia.

"I woke up this workshop as an answer to the increasing number of lovers of modifications that are not accommodated in the workshop modif currently exist," said founders Motor Topo Kahanan to Goedel Atmodjo detikOto.

modificated of motocross is really important to performance your actions in court

"The flow can be worked out, it depends on demand," Topo said.

As for the tariff issue, Topo explained that the cost of any modifications
motor can be adjusted because it was closely related to the selected parts and
used the owner as well as what form of modification.

"All are interconnected," he said.

Topo was hoping with the presence of this new modif workshop spirit and modifications can spread the virus further. Because he believes that passion modif
It is not only dominated by young children alone but has spread to
various backgrounds and various levels of age.

"With the spirit Kahanan lovers may be more modifications
distributed, "he concluded.
